What is a Candida infection?
Candida is a fungus which naturally lives in the lower bowel. All along your intestinal tract live colonies of bacteria and other living microbes. These interface and interact with the gut walls and help you to digest food. They help keep the candida fungus in the lower bowel where it functions tohelp process the products of digestion and evacuation, or defacation.
How does it become an infection?
When anti-biotics are taken too often, the natural living colonies of microbes and bacteria are destroyed and candida can no longer be kept in place in the lower bowel. Slowly it grows up through the intestines and lining the walls with this fungus, preventing them from assisting your digestion. By the time it grows up through your stomach, throat and mouth your body thinks it is fighting a severe infection. Your digestive system can’t get your nutrients from your food. And your immune system is constantly inflamed and fighting. Lots of things are going wrong with your health.
You feel like shit.
Your doctor continues to prescribe anti-biotics. Why?
Maybe he doesn’t have anything else? This condition can appear to be regular tonsillitis, or sinusitis.
And the Candida overgrowth up through the body is the perfect place for the growth of bacteria which shouldn’t live in the respiratory tract or the gut. Maybe you’ve been given regular anti-biotics since childhood and the damage to your gut is deep.
You could have a leaky gut.
You can begin repairing your gut with Anti-candida, Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal gut repair from my website www.lindabatesherbalmedicine.com
OR, if you think you’ve had this condition a long time, you can get help by joining up for the REBOOT your Gut course.
Check them out.