Blog: Supporting Immunity

Respiratory Infections have become real scary. Is there anything you can do to help your body? Herbs don’t just destroy infections, they repair the damage the infections have done.

Respiratory Infections have become real scary.

They aren’t just bacterial infections any more. And all kinds of viral infections have become so bad that some people get chronic fatigue, or a version of Long COVID, for years. All they can manage is to lie around feeling dreadful.

Is there anything you can do to help your body?

Oh, you think you can mange without help? How many people has COVID killed off so far? How many people die every year from influenza viruses? And what about all the other viruses – Epstein barr viruses, Tick borne viruses, Human Immune viruses, Wart viruses, Monkey viruses, Animal viruses – WAIT – isn’t that what COVID is.

And what about the infections that are actually invasions of parasites, or amoeba, or fungal infections.

Maybe you could use some ideas from an expert on how to navigate these threats.

Lucky for you that science has been working on that question for a very long time. Nutritional science began in the 1840’s. Botanical medicine has existed as a documented science in the European, Middle Eastern and Asian history since 1500 BC.

Plant Medicine can support your immune system to cope better all year.

It can help your children cope better with all the infections going round childcare and school. The right herbal medicine can support your child to develop a strong healthy immune system as they begin to navigate the big world outside the shelter of home. As we get older our immune systems need more help to fight invaders. Our bodies need more and more help to recover. The longer you are sick the more overwhelmed your body will be and the longer it will take to recover.

Give your body some help. Give your child some help.

Have some herbs on the shelf ready to support all the family. Have a look at what you can get on my website:

  • Anti-Candida
  • anti-bacterial
  • anti-fungal gut repair mix
  • Covid Repair Mix
  • Respiratory Infection Mix
  • Immune Support Mix
  • Urinary Tract Infection Mix
  • Anti-parasite mix

Herbs don’t just destroy infections, they repair the damage the infections have done.

Have a look now:

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Supporting Immunity

Respiratory Infections have become real scary. Is there anything you can do to help your body? Herbs don’t just destroy infections, they repair the damage the infections have done.

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